Discover Purely Natural Herpes Therapies

If you happen to be someone who is suffering from cold sores, then you should make use of ice on a regular basis. It has been found out that applying ice to herpesyl reviews blisters increases their healing process. And since you are trying to treat the herpes virus, it will definitely work for you in order to speed up the healing process of the blisters.

Garlic is also known to be a great antiviral. Therefore, you can make use of garlic cloves daily. As a matter of fact, you can sprinkle it on food or on a salad. Garlic has a lot of power, which is why it is considered as one of the best home remedies to treat cold sores. In fact, doctors recommend this remedy as the most effective when it comes to treating cold sores.

You can make use of coconut oil when you are using any soap. This is a great idea because it helps to keep the skin from being dry. This will also help to keep the herpes simplex virus at bay. So, when you are buying soap, you should remember to make use of coconut oil. It has been found out that this substance helps to protect you against various bacteria and viruses.

Ginger is another great remedy that will help to fight the virus. As a matter of fact, ginger is used in a number of Chinese medicines. In addition to that, if you want to get rid of this condition, you can make use of ginger in tea or syrup form. This can make a great treat for yourself when you are feeling the tingle coming on.

Last but not least; another great way to cure cold sores is by making use of ice. By using ice, you can reduce the swelling that is associated with this condition. herpesyl reviews To do so, you have to first put some ice on your affected area. After that, you can place some water on it so that it can remain frozen. It will then help to reduce the inflammation and swelling of the skin which will make it easier for you to get rid of the sore outbreak.
